Meet Jean Luc Gallucci – “Hortensia” in “Matilda the Musical”

Meet Jean Luc Gallucci – “Hortensia” in “Matilda the Musical”

How long have you been in theatre?
I have been in theatre for the past two exciting years.

What do you do outside of theatre? (work, school, hobbies)
I am in Grade Four attending a French Immersion Catholic School. I enjoy singing, dancing, art, making gooey slime which drives my mom bonkers and travelling with my family. Our last road trip this summer was to Ilse d’Orlean, Old Quebec City on route to Bar Harbor Maine. USA.

Have you been in a show/program with Marquee in the past?
I have 5 plays under my little belt all with Marquee…Lion King Jr., Mary Poppins, Snow White Twisted, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Frozen Jr. Currently rehearsing in the role of Raja in Aladdin Jr., and as Hortensia in Matilda.

What have you gained from performing/studying at Marquee?
I have gained the love of theatre and performing with Marquee.

What is it that you like about working with Marquee?
I love the cast, crew, all the productions that we do with Marquee.

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Who do you look up to? Why?
My mom, because she is so supportive.

If you could meet any famous actor or cartoon character, who would it be?
Colleen Balinger as Miranda Sings- she is hysterical! I love to imitate her and dressed as her for Halloween last year. I’ll show you a pic sometime.

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When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?
I sing!!

What is your dream job?
To be a famous actor.

What are 3 things you like about yourself?
I love my long, blonde, hair, I am smart, and I am a nice person.

What would you do if you were invisible for 1 day?
If I were invisible for one day I would play jokes on my twin brother Alessandro.

What do you do for fun on a rainy day?
Make slime.

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What’s the hardest part about growing up?
More homework at school!

 What are three things that you look forward to before getting on stage?
I think about the costumes, Lights, seeing my family in the audience.

Tell us about who your character is – without giving away too much of the story. 
I am playing the character Hortensia in Matilda she is nice, supportive and loves to sing.

How is this character like you? Different?
Hortensia is like me because she sings and dances, and is loud. Hortensia is different than me she is older and is a girl.

If you could play any other character in this show, who would it be?
I would play Matilda or Lavender or Bruce.

Besides this one, what’s your favorite stage show?
Under the Stairs.

Who’s the funniest person in the cast in real life?
Mayla who plays Mrs. Wormwood is the funniest!

If you had a magic wand, what show would you do next?
I would do Annie the musical.

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What’s the last thing you do before you step out on stage / the curtain goes up? …
I take a deep breath and say a prayer.


Marquee Theatrical Productions presents

Matilda Facebook Covers (6)

Book by Dennis Kelly
Music and Lyrics by Tim Minchin

Based on the book, Matilda by Roald Dahl

Nov. 14-16, 21-23 at 7:30pm and Nov. 16, 17, 23, and 24th at 2pm

Featuring an Opening night intermission reception

Get your tickets HERE

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