Meet Krystal Sandler – “The Doctor” in “Matilda the Musical”

Meet Krystal Sandler – “The Doctor” in “Matilda the Musical”

How long have you been in Theatre:
I dabbled in theatre for a few years as a teenager in school and absolutely fell in love with it. When I graduated I found myself too busy with university, beginning my career, a marriage and family. I always knew one day I’d get back into it. Then 13 years later, I heard that Marquee was holding auditions for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. My friend Helen Kelson (who’s also in Matilda) convinced me to audition with her. I had such a blast, I’ve continued doing shows each year since (Matilda is my 4th Marquee show).

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What do you do outside of theatre?
I’m a graphic designer and I run my own business specializing in custom invitations (weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, etc) and personalized children’s nursery prints & growth charts. Between work and raising my two beautiful daughters, I can’t say I have a ton of free time. However, in the time I do have, I love to help out with the graphics and communications with Marquee. I also love travelling and visiting with family up north. I’m a country girl at heart and love being with nature and breathing the fresh air!

What have you gained from performing/studying at Marquee?
First and foremost, I have gained a wonderful group of friends at Marquee. I have met some truly extraordinary, talented, friendly, funny and loyal people on my journey here. As a performer, my biggest growth area would be dance. I’ve been singing for most of my life and acting seems to come fairly natural to me, but I’ve never considered myself much of a dancer. The amazing choreographers I’ve worked with at Marquee have challenged me to push my limits with dance and I think I’ve come a long way. Shout out to Katie McClure and her awesome choreography for this show!!

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Why did you want to be involved in this production?
I saw the professional production of Matilda downtown a few years ago and thought it was such a fun, charming show. It’s cleverly written with some awesome music (When I Grow Up and Revolting Children are my favourite). I never would have imagined that 3 short years later I would be performing it myself with my daughter in the title role!!!

When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?
When I’m having a bad day, I like to curl up on the couch with a glass of wine or cider and some Reese’s peanut butter cups (preferably the ones with the little Reese’s pieces inside, but the regular ones will do in a pinch) and watch a good Netflix show.

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What would you do if you were invisible for 1 day?
I would hide out in my room all day and enjoy the peace and quiet I rarely get as a mom with two young kids. Maybe I’d even get to go to the bathroom without being interrupted!

Tell us about who your character is – without giving away too much of the story.
I play the doctor who delivers Matilda. She loves babies. Like, really, really, really loves babies, lol! I also get to play a “big kid” in several of the big musical numbers which is pretty awesome.

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How is this character like you? Different?
I do love babies…maybe not quite as much as this doctor, but babies ARE pretty adorable and special. Unfortunately, I’ve never had much of a math/science mind so I don’t think I could ever cut it as a doctor.


Marquee Theatrical Productions presents

Matilda Facebook Covers (6)

Book by Dennis Kelly
Music and Lyrics by Tim Minchin

Based on the book, Matilda by Roald Dahl

Nov. 14-16, 21-23 at 7:30pm and Nov. 16, 17, 23, and 24th at 2pm

Featuring an Opening night intermission reception

Get your tickets HERE


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