Meet Charlotte Kolas – Cast Member in “Matilda the Musical”

Meet Charlotte Kolas – Cast Member in “Matilda the Musical”

How long have you been in theatre?
I’ve been in theatre since I was six.

What do you do outside of theatre? (work, school, hobbies)
I go to school and I enjoy playing video games with my friends.

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Why do you do community theatre?
It’s my passion and I love creating a show with my cast mates.

Have you been in a show/program with Marquee in the past?
Matilda is my 12th Marquee show.

What have you gained from performing/studying at Marquee?
I have gained happiness, fun, and friends.

Why did you want to be involved in this production?
Because there are swings and slides! Ok, actually because I love entertaining an audience and it’s a very entertaining show.

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If you could time travel, where would you go?
I would go 100 years into the future to see what would happen.

Who do you look up to? Why?
Well, pretty much everyone because I’m small. Ok, fine, I look up to my family, friends, and teachers.

If you could meet any famous actor or cartoon character, who would it be?
I want to meet the actress who voices Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy in My Little Pony. She’s great at voicing different characters.

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When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?
I dance to music, sing songs, and I look in the mirror and act like I’m having a great day.

What is your dream job?
My dream job is to be a famous performer.

What would you do if you were invisible for  1 day?
I would spy on my brother.

What is the funniest word you know?
Amchellakamanialseptricolistimosis. If you watch Matilda, you’ll understand.

When did you first perform?
My first Marquee show was Winnie the Pooh in KinderStages and I was Rabbit.

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Besides this one, what’s your favorite stage show?
The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, Willy Wonka, and Frozen. I have four favourites.

When you have a five-minute break during rehearsal, what do you spend that time doing?
Eating a snack and trying to find the curse aka the minion eraser (only the other revolting children know about it).

Who’s the funniest person in the cast in real life?
Varvara is really funny.

If you had a magic wand, what show would you do next?
Tangled: The Musical. My hair is so long, I’d be perfect as a mini-Rapunzel.

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What’s the last thing you do before you step out on stage / the curtain goes up?

Marquee Theatrical Productions presents

Matilda Facebook Covers (6)

Book by Dennis Kelly
Music and Lyrics by Tim Minchin

Based on the book, Matilda by Roald Dahl

Nov. 14-16, 21-23 at 7:30pm and Nov. 16, 17, 23, and 24th at 2pm

Featuring an Opening night intermission reception

Get your tickets HERE

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